celebrating… our local history

Illustrated activities for Bristol Museums

History can be static, but illustration, artwork and creativity can bring it to life! Working with Bristol Museums, I have created resources to help children, families and teachers have fun with our history and make it even more accessible.

I create videos, animations, worksheets and more to help visualise stories.


Video Social media activities for MSHed

Working with MShed as part of their series of Summer Artist Commissions, I created several activities for children and families to access online. These are designed as simple drawing activities to encourage children to start drawing more. Click through to the videos to see the activity that goes alongside them.


From those, I created worksheets for children to print out and use


Bristol Blitz Oral History Resource

Working with Bristol Museum and Bristol Archive, I’ve been helping to bring their audio clips to life, highlighting their online resources for teachers.

With the project, we managed to increase the downloads from under 20 to over 80 in just a couple of weeks.


Marine Life Series